It might sound Crazy what I'm bout to say, I know Happy right? Here we go.
Is it you against the world? Is that your viewpoint? Is that how you see yourself?
Is that your vision? Are those the words that you verbally speak? My source you
must be physically and mentally drained . Are you carrying other people's words and
statements that were spoken negativity against you.? My source people can say anything
about everything eh? But you have a choice whether you still hear the mental madness
in your mind. Is there anyone in your life that is driving you Mad Crazy. You want to go screaming in the
forest. You may not be Happy in the forest so come back This person is bossy, is mean, argues with you
all the time, this person needs to change,
I can change them you think and say/think repetitively, this my friend is POWERLESSNESS, and even worse you MAYBE ...hey just checking if that word seems unaligned with this blog YOU ARE, attracting this person
(that was a trap😕)
and every time you think about them, whether it is someone from your past or present. You are creating a reality
of that person/people. You are creating the perspective of that person, so think about this, you can change the
reality of that person
You are the Power. You have the Power to create Goodness, the Ease of Self, All of You.
You can't change other other peoples perspectives, but You can Change Yours.
You have so much Power it's Ridiculous. In fact why don't you get a mirror while reading this and looking at your
Beautiful Self and say repetatively, I AM The Power, Say it with meaning, let it sink into your subconscious and
clean out the scary, yucky and fearful visions, memories and negativity. You don't like that person, we'll you can't control
that person, however You can control that thought and all thoughts pertaining to that
You have the choice to modify your perspective and reality of negative people around you,
and get this ,you can perceive people differently, you do not have to have an emotional
response, this is your choice. You have the Power to Modify
your Perspective ' of all people, all Things.
YOU Create Your LOA~Law of Attraction),YOU ARE THE CENTER Of Your Universe.
You create how you respond to people. Ask your Source to see clearly~Your, Universe, God,Buddha, Òmniprsence, Odins, Allah,Taoist, the unexplainable one.....& many more, it'whatever that you believe in my friend, something bigger then you.
Ask your Source to attract manifestation of Visualizations, of what you truly want.
Do you want this? Happiness, Authenticity of Self. Great Health, Live in a New Government Ran World with Real Women and Some Men &from all walks of life, not Evil, Hypocritical and Greedy, Money Worshipping, Heartless Individuals whose molecules are Cold and if you said to any of them, You are my Creator, they would manipulate eye contact and say with expertise., "You bet I am." Their Salary let alone his/her salaries at minimum of $200,000 would be enough for many who would so appreciate this and in turn they have a Greater Appreciation of thing they did not see as Fruition, they will be able to create joy in his/her , their children's lives, have a career that they truly enjoy and can look people in the eye. Will be quite entertaining really as for some, without money, many people have nothing, not even anything to converse about.
Veterans-$150,000 /yr. As taxpayers we appreciate you, we the true Canadian/American Citizens with hearts and usually the Hard Working Blue Collar Man making less then $75,000 a year, hey haven't heard of any Rich and Famous Creating a Fund for Veterans, his/her family at time of life and sadly at time of life after death until death for each family member $100,000 per family single $60,000 but nope the Rich& Famous will Do Concerts/ Rock/Comedy Shows Donate enough money to get a public, "Awesome isn't that amazing?
I do believe that if Co-directed as a unified team on a vibrational high (No Religious People Wanted) this can happen if not in this lifetime, in the next.
The Disabled-A couple ~Paid/Spouse/Family Member $60,000 do you really need to ask?
Seniors~$60,000. Again, do you have to ask?
As well as more overlooked sub groups
You have a Choice. You won't change overnight, pick one person and change the way that you
Respond to this person, you have to accept that the LOA brought this person/people to you, are you
still clinging to your past? Are the people you are attracting have some variances of your past? Confront
it , Own it and Let it go. As I have asked before,
Meditate for 15 minutes a day.
Look in the mirror and say, I am the Power over and over and over again until you get a warm fuzzy feeling)
Own it Now
Always check in that your responses are Aligned with what you are asking for and what you want
Know that your POWER comes from what you want and again Allignment
There is a differene between Motivation and Inspiration
Know that You are the Creator of your Reality
You create the Visions in your mind ( so don't blame other's, this is to easy)
There is Amazing LOVE here for You
I _______________😁 AM POWER Please do this 15 times a day in your fave mirror. Come on, think outside your box, it's your choice to live Your Happy ever after and Create your new vision, loving yourself and those around you, Wonderful Sun Smiling upon you and y'all are laughing with Trust, Faith, Ease, Belly Laughing ( Wow new discovery I got Abs Laugh) Full Bowls and Strong links of Positive Eternal Energy Creating a energy force around Everybody. Faith in your well being.
***Just a little bit of sharing as I feel that I feel a bit overwhelmed as I write this that I will share a little about my writing but this one in particular,
I was a lone parent for 20 years to just an Amazing, Inspiring, Smart and So much more Son. These 20 years many people hurt me in big ways right up to being bullied out of a government job, I was very lost and damaged duty to my toxic parental lack of parenting. When I was 32 and was a Crisis Youth Counselor at the time I was diagnosed with MS this changed me, I was overwhelmed and had no support and did not know how to ask. I had 4 exhasterbations and the pain and experience was unexplainable and a very huge vision for my son to experience. After my school board experience, I went on to become a Cognitive Psychology University Professor. I absolutely loved this, had a great group of friends and great support. On July 24/ 2013, My son and I were in a horrible car accident and it changed my life. I lost my ability to walk,I became numb, experiencing Acute pain ongoingly, suffered with depression for 2 years, I was told in Feb/2016 that I was dying due to 52 lesions on my brain😊In 2014 I kept seeing ads for Meditation, I had heard of it and that's about it. 6 days later I viewed another ad and being a cynic about ads, yet I was intruiguiged, I researched and in doing this began to meet Me. This is a painful and integrity filled process however, the pain and working thru it is worth it, feeling it means process. I went from a Walking and Successful Psychology Proffered to a woman who could not walk, a Disabled Woman, A woman experiencing Depression for the first time, thoughts of suicide, extreme financial changes, loss of independence and many new negative feelings. With a new outlook of positivity, new thoughts and Happiness as a Choice I love myself which is new to me also but it feel so good.
I have learnt how to execute my vibrational positive energy flow and even tho I CAN'T Walk today, my physical and cognitive being is the best it has ever been and my outlook is the clearest it has ever been and I am so Grateful. Oh yeah and next year I will Run the MS Walk.
Life is Honestly a story. Your Story and My Story.
Let's create and continue to create our own stories of;
Law of Attraction
Be Aware That You have Control Over Your Thoughts
Meditate 15 minutes a day
Do things differently while not listening to others
**(Silly but something I use) I have a basket of Nunyuns for the Ignorant that you will attract while Growing, they are actually challenges that depending on your thoughts may make you stronger and see with great Clarity
Holy right now Nunyun=None of your Business😂
You are the Power
What is your story?
Care to share? Sit down with your story,life is too Short I can honestly say my friends.
God is Great, Beer is Good, People are Crazy yes? Come on y'all, you are so worth it, we have the privilege of a life that we attract and deserve, we really do. BELIEVE
I AM THE POWER I am visualizing that you will like my blogs and Inspire and Motivate me by subscribing
to my blogs and leaving me Awesome Comments.😀😂
Great to see you motivated, Ginger!