You wake up at 6 a.m., throw off your duvet ,your feet touch the ground, you go pee as sitting on the toilet is something that you take for granted , pick your favorite towel and have a shower, no problem. You put on your favorite music, put on your makeup, put on your work attire, head downstairs, make your coffee and breakfast and off to work you go, driving in your car. Sound's good right? Your average weekday yes?
Well let's redo that day now, living with MS, let's keep it real.You wake up in the morning riddled with Chronic Pain, yet you are Grateful. You say 10 things that you are grateful for and smile. You manage to stand up even tho that Vertigo is infused within you. Now, the bathroom is 5 feet away you don't even give this any thought yes? Different story for us. If you have a leaky bladder you might urinate yourself before you reach the bathroom,you feel many types of emotions as you lose your dignity.
Stairs, nope many of us can't climb stairs, not now anyways. Shower, um yep if there is a sitting bench in it. Getting in the shower is a big success as predominantly your right leg is dead, no mobility. No more pretty work clothes and heels, forget about it. If you have clear vision, this is a blessing as 80% of us don't To sit up without the wobbles is a whole other story.To stand for 5 minutes without your walker is a Victory.
O.K. for some of us this is our reality. Can't we have a better way of life? Yes, I believe we can, it begins with our choices and our thoughts.I recommend a powerful read by Linda Dryer, I believe if you are aware you can change. I believed this once I came out of my three year Depression but I didn't align my behaviors with my thoughts and then when nothing happened , I thought, nope doesn't work, but then I realized that it was me, I didn't work. It was a big realization, I Owned it.
I want you to get rid of your self-limiting beliefs. Don't let our disease win, we only have one life, please let's live it.
Since I met me, I have lost 38 pds. I have control of my disease, I smile more and like looking at myself in the mirror., and I have only just begun.
I want us to live, I want to share my learning's with everyone.Stop focusing on the negativity of this dis-ease as it will overcome you, focus on the positive, find one thing and start there.
I AM..........
Reinvent yourself you have the Power my friend
Until Next Time, Namaste
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