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Monday, 30 May 2016

But Can I?

She wakes up, takes her medication, falls back asleep for a couple of  hours. When she opens her eyes due to a golden magnitude of puppy kisses, smiles and says thank you to her universe. As she does this, she is in pain and is aware that even 4 feet away, she has to make it to the bathroom  before she urinates herself, but hey, its still a Great day.
In her mind she wonders,will I ever have a multitude of days without pain? She believes she will, and hey it is still a good day.
She begins to prepare  dinner at 10 a.m. as after 1p.m the pain is a little unbearable, knowing this she thinks, it's  still a great day.
She meditates listening to Deepak while visualizing herself running in a field, the smell of the grass and the feel of the free Vitamin D is glorious.
She gets on the excercise bike and does 6 minutes,  Victory.
She has taken her Probiotics and Vitamin B1. She is grateful that she has these supplements.
She looks at her flourishing container gardens, this is congenial.
She hears the birds chirping, this is so beautiful to her.
She has a shower,sitting on her bench and is very Grateful  that she can get out of the tub without any assistance. This brings her the greatest  attributes of happiness.
She is aware that she has dreams and doesn't  want to die thinking if only I lived.
She is aware that she is currently an extra in her own movie, she wants to be the main character eventually.
She hears a knock at the door, it's  Fear, she closes and locks the door. Not this time.
She does not want her biggest  regret to be if only I lived.
Dr. King had a dream or hmm she thinks,that dream chose him.
Universe-Uni='One Verse=Song
She knows struggle and criticisms  are prerequisites  to Success, she is ready and Grateful for the knowledge,  she has decided that she is going to create A Brand New Ending.

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