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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Healing should not be about $$$

You want to get better, you know it starts with the brain but everywhere you turn now everyone is a life coach and they want lots of your money.
 When I was in a vulnerable state, I was desperate to feel better about my chronic  pain and have a great life. One day I went to my emails ( I must have clicked something) and in 10 minutes a life changing webinar was about to start, I was very excited, trusting you may say. I did not know what to expect but I will tell you what I experienced.
This was a 7hr. webinar, yep that's right 7 hours and I lasted for 4 hours keeping in the back of my mind that we MS'ers are to avoid electronic devices as much as possible.
After about 36 minutes we were told that this $10,000 worth of material we would get at a low price of $1995. Wow in Canada over 85% of us are on CPP so how is this affordable? We were told that our lives would change dramatically, hey we could even become rich folk. I was burn tout and disappointed in myself for wasting 4 hours of my precious time.
 I have  manner.been doing research on health changes, I have lost 38 pounds and I feel great, I exercise, think positively and help myself.
Many people have asked me why don't I spiritual coach and share my knowledge as I won't hurt anybody or drain their wallets.
After my John Assaraf experience every which way I turned there was a life coach selling the same stuff just in a different course of action, you will be able to have no MS symptoms, accolades of riches they say you just have to spend a pile of money. There is one woman who says that she can cure MS but when asked how many PPMS people she cured, no answer. Do your research and remember healing starts with you.

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