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Monday, 29 August 2016

When you say, "No & Can't" why do I hear "Yes & Can?"

Not gonna lie, woke up a lil dissheveled and felt a lil disconnected, why I wondered?  W ell it's Monday but in my mind everyday is a good day. Hmm, as I do my weights, I think a little deeper. then realize the causation. Alrite, as I drink my CBD oil smoothie and my pain subsides, I realize that I have a little water left in one of my soul wells, I confront it, yep a little painful but liife is too short to ignore it. So, o.k.  I can have everything that I want just have to do a little realligning is all. Pretty kool that I am smiling as I write.

It's so easy for us to forget our Power, to forget our Worthiness, to hear all the No's and Can'ts that were put on our paths but forget about it. That's not what life has planned for us, do you believe?

I don't live in the NNW Nor should you. The Negative No World can paralyze you if you allow it, but why? So that those that hurt you can say, "Told ya so." Oh please, then you can put on your comfortable non warrior suit? Why? You are far too good for that. When someone tells you No & Can't humbly smile and hear Yes & Can. As some of you may know, was told Feb/2014 that I didn't have long. I did fall into a depression for a bit, but then I hear the translation out of the mental madness say, Yes, Yes it's time to Live and you Can write a new Script....and so I do with legit Happiness.

Don't Dwell on your past, learn from it, be thankful. Don't endure, we did enough off that yes? LIVE, Live in Harmony with yourself and the beauties that you attract.

Can, you my friend Can do anything
Can I?
Yes, yes my beautiful friend, you Can

Happy Monday

CBD Smoothie Recipe
I bananna
Strawberries or whatever berries really
1 tblsp organic coconut oil
Some flex seed
2 ice cubes
4 cups sugarless almond milk
1 strand of rice CBD oil

Don't just buy CBD oil anywhere, oil must be at least 40-47% pure CBD concentrate, Indica is one of the greatest strengths. In Canada, there are 12 licensed producers, 3 which sell oil but it does not work the same as a legit Scientist or Dr makes it with a higher concentrate. In the States I only know 1 man that is true.
Seek and you may find, if not let me know. #IgetbywithaLittleHelpfrommyFriends

O.K now, Happy Monday

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