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Monday, 29 August 2016

When you say, "No & Can't" why do I hear "Yes & Can?"

Not gonna lie, woke up a lil dissheveled and felt a lil disconnected, why I wondered?  W ell it's Monday but in my mind everyday is a good day. Hmm, as I do my weights, I think a little deeper. then realize the causation. Alrite, as I drink my CBD oil smoothie and my pain subsides, I realize that I have a little water left in one of my soul wells, I confront it, yep a little painful but liife is too short to ignore it. So, o.k.  I can have everything that I want just have to do a little realligning is all. Pretty kool that I am smiling as I write.

It's so easy for us to forget our Power, to forget our Worthiness, to hear all the No's and Can'ts that were put on our paths but forget about it. That's not what life has planned for us, do you believe?

I don't live in the NNW Nor should you. The Negative No World can paralyze you if you allow it, but why? So that those that hurt you can say, "Told ya so." Oh please, then you can put on your comfortable non warrior suit? Why? You are far too good for that. When someone tells you No & Can't humbly smile and hear Yes & Can. As some of you may know, was told Feb/2014 that I didn't have long. I did fall into a depression for a bit, but then I hear the translation out of the mental madness say, Yes, Yes it's time to Live and you Can write a new Script....and so I do with legit Happiness.

Don't Dwell on your past, learn from it, be thankful. Don't endure, we did enough off that yes? LIVE, Live in Harmony with yourself and the beauties that you attract.

Can, you my friend Can do anything
Can I?
Yes, yes my beautiful friend, you Can

Happy Monday

CBD Smoothie Recipe
I bananna
Strawberries or whatever berries really
1 tblsp organic coconut oil
Some flex seed
2 ice cubes
4 cups sugarless almond milk
1 strand of rice CBD oil

Don't just buy CBD oil anywhere, oil must be at least 40-47% pure CBD concentrate, Indica is one of the greatest strengths. In Canada, there are 12 licensed producers, 3 which sell oil but it does not work the same as a legit Scientist or Dr makes it with a higher concentrate. In the States I only know 1 man that is true.
Seek and you may find, if not let me know. #IgetbywithaLittleHelpfrommyFriends

O.K now, Happy Monday

Friday, 26 August 2016

When in Pain..

First and Foremost Happy Friday Beauties Was it a good week for you? Were you kind this week? Did you wake up Happy? Got your Swag goin? So Awesome right? So Happy for you! Not gonna lie, I have been sending out Happiness Seeds all week.

You had a bad week? Not gonna lie, don't really want to hear about it. Read my other blogs you will understand. If you don't like me my friend that's O.K., I ain't gonna let it ruin my day.

So here's some of my thoughts today, I woke up in severe pain this morn, more so then usual. I smiled and breathed, said Thank you as I hobbled my way to my wheelchair. It is 7 steps from my bed to my chair and everytime I get to my chair successfully, without falling, I am legit Grateful. As I safely got to the washroom, I smiled at myself and my crazy hair and thought well, I have the Power and Knowledge to feel better. #PainisaStateofMind.

 I changed my morn routine which I do quite frequently and hey I kinda like it. I vapoed some MM and did some stretches while alligning my energy to what I want. Here we go that's it, chaired myself to the kitchen stood up at the counter filled my vitamix with fruit,  almond unsweetened milk, a lil stevia,coconut oil, and some 97% CBD oil.
 As I took my first drink I was so Grateful for the moment, so Grateful for what my Universe guided me to as opposed to narcotics. Finished my smoothie, went outside to greet my plants, did my arm weights, a lil writing then gonna clean the stink out of my kitchen, I'm a lil OCD when it comes to cleanliness, I think some of you may relate yes?

Oh yea so, When in Pain, don't dwell, I repeat don't dwell on your Pain. BeHappy, Smile, disconnect from your Pain and Reconnect with self.

MM&OilSavesLives. Obama get your shyte together and Legalize everywhere. Old school is gone don't let the Zionists continue to depopulate, what if it was You, Michelle or your girls. Shits gotta change and we have to b #TheVoiceofReason

Gotta go do stuff now Happy Friday

Monday, 22 August 2016

Your Reality

Ya know there comes a time in our lives if we Own, Forgive and have Faith big changes and beautiful feelings of Love enters your soul and the biggest love is YOU. At times you may feel overwhelmed as this is a new adaptation,  which allows you to Smile, to feel Warm, give Forgivesness where forgiveness is due, no more Denial, as it's not a river in Egypt. Come on Smile, relax my friend.

Yep, some of u were raised by evil, I get it, I carried it...but I never Owned it until NOW. Man, I feel so... FREE, and I know that you do to.
As MY layers came off, I confronted and Forgave my Father, MY Evil.As I forgave him, I was reconnected with family that I  thought about immensley and it happened.
Remember, you are the Master of your thoughts, your days, your Life.

What I have learnt about Life,

1. Don't dwell on the little things
2. If you don't like someone, Hope for them, not Hate them
3. There is Goodness in Badness, you just have to believe that, then you will find it
4. Smile just because, wake your endorphins
5. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that You are worthy
6. When you wake in the morning, say thank-you
7. Be Aware
8. Think before you speak
9. Know that at times, Words Hurt
10. Keep and preserve your Power
11. Be Grateful for what you have, if not, don't wonder why everything in your life is stagnant
12.Love Yourself authentically, if you don't nobody else will
13.Have no Regrets
14. You, your energy, is what and who you attract
15. The road to faith, it's not really Lonely, only if you choose it to be.

Keep your power,you are in control of it. There is so much Goodness in you, don't live in your past, it's over, Live Now in the Present.

Make every moment count, paint your nails your fave color, grow a beard, hold your head high and make eye contact when speaking to others.

This is your journey and with Positivity and good intentions you will be surprised who you attract.

Knowledge is Power when applied appropriately. Kindness prevails. Spend time with your Mind, Heart and Soul.

You are so Empowering, so am I, it's a Good Day, it's a really Good Day.#HappyMonday #HappyEveryday

Monday, 15 August 2016

Negative or Positive,, Think about it

You know, I am at a plce in my authentic self that I think before I speak and this essence has rewarded me, especially now. I am going thru a very stressful time in my life right now as a Beautiful Disabled Woman who is being bullied and harassed buy our landlord and I have learnt so much.

 As I Vapo my MM, listening to the birds I think about the Reveloution that need to be created, a Positive Reveloution, we need to make an impact.

 Why is Justin Trudea so quiet now? In his elective Speech he sure talked a lot about Mental Health issues and many believed him mainly due to his mother and  her affair with Mick Jagger but hey what do we matter?

I have learnt that the best supporters for us, are compassionate people who make less then $2100 a month

I have learnt that as of now, the Zionists run the  world, thier Trillions of dollars, they got JT, he is thier puppet. Where is your Strength JT, what's in it for you? Well your wife has her 2 nannies for how many kids?

 Is Prince really dead, or was it all an act?
Do you watch the news? I don't, it's all an act anyways.

You know, I believe that Positive People could run the world, do you?

Hey on a personal note, I have over 1100 suscribers and I thank you immensely

Monday, 8 August 2016

It's the Dash

Your date of birth-Your date of death
What is your happiness, do you know?
Why don't you know?
Don't you deserve to have that priviledgd knowledge of yourself?
Your Authentic Self, could you speak of it, describe  yourself to a group of others, humbly with confidence?

Anger, is it a dark cloud that embelishes you
Is that the way? Fuck everybody, everyone is wrong
You are the emporer of Blame
Everyone is wrong, you are right
How many "buds" friends persay do you have?
Are they a reflection of you or are you even on that level

Lying does no harm,actually you are such a habitual liar that I can't ask you how many people are standing around you...just sayin

From when you were born-Till your day of death,
There is a DASH,
DASH, Living Happy, I mean really Happy
Treat people with kindness and enjoy the reciprocation
Smile authentically for no other reason other then it is what it is
Your Trend is Happiness, your past is blah, blah, blah
You have no regrets

You learn how to play chess
You go horse riding
You go to Tuscany Region, to learn how to cook and drink wine
You go sky diving,bungy jumping
You take Salsa lessons with you lover
You buy some amazingly sexy lingerie And have the hottest, out of the box Fuck Fest that you ever had, have some good wine of course and when you drive to work you are still Smiling. MAke Love, Create memories
Hug a tree
Say  I love you with sincerity, all the time
Take care of yourself physically, eat right, avoid GMO's, Manscape,  Womanscape
Love your children and do epic things with them
Own an animal, rescue dogs, have 4 dogs
Play guitar

Hey I could go on  but pls always know, IT'S THE DASH-----