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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

When it starts out bad but ends up really Good

So out of the blue I get this call from Laverne calling me names and me not understanding why, it hurt a little not gonna lie. On Nov 15/2016 we cancelled out Telus Services thinking thats that. Nope all of a sudden we are getting these bills saying that we didnt return our product to which we did, however I fell into a depression and could not locate the tracking receipts and back in the day, Laverne had cosigned for us to get Telus which is why she was spraying venom. I remember sitting at my desk meditating asking the Universe to connect me with someone who understood and would work from a place of empathy. It was in that moment that the Universe connected me with Vishaar and I began to breathe. This young man spent so much time with me helping me find these tracking numbers while not knowing but saving me from more dysfuntional family abuse. For 2 days I made numerous phone calls pleading with the Universe to allow us to find these tracking numbers. On the second day I get a call from Vishaal stating that he found the equipment and I was getting a $600 credit, in that moment I felt like I won the lottery of kindness. Not only was my faith restored in my fave tv company, it was restored in a humans good intentions.I had to share this extraordinary act of kindness with his manager as one of the most important things we as humans must do is pay it foward. You know in a situation that could of turned out painful and stressful, one human worked from his heart and mind and made a down day a very glorious day, if only you knew and felt my #Gratitude TY Vashaal Happy Tuesday everyone

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