Ya know when the storm is over, regrowth begins and if u just hold on for the ride, you just might be surprised at the outcome, your outcome. Many don't realize that you, they, are creating the causations of the perfect storm, a storm that will repeat itself over and over again, until you get it you see.
You may believe temporarily that everything in your world is Fine.
F-Fucked Up
Such a non feeling word.
When you least expect it, your storm begins, your shit show, Chaos,
this is when you have to look, observe your true self with integrity.
Many people draw their familiar cards, their deck of cards. This deck may include;
1.Pity Card
2. Anxiety Card
3. Munchosin by Proxy Card-I need all the Attention
4. Denial Card ( As I have stated, Denial is not a river in Egypt)
5. D&A card ( drugs and alcohol)
6.The Broken Card ( this was my old friend)
There comes a time in our lives, due to a storm that we caused, that you actually get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, your box is shrinking, the old behaviours are now stale and predictable.
Man, I am not judging you or anybody, I was there for many years. Not Now.
You have so much Power, don't give it away, this is your precious energy. Take some you time, observe you and your thoughts with clarity. Detatch from everything and focus on ONE thing, allowing this to Shine with Excellence. B your Best Self while covering every angle. Act without predudice, feel your Flow, Own it!!!
Walk into a room with Positive Energy ad Create Smiles.
Know that you are Not Alone yet to no one do you owe an explanation.
Allow Happiness to be your new norm, your Identity.
Speak with soladarity.
At the end of the day, this is Your Day which leads me to the question,
How are u 2day my friend?
Happy Monday😀