Loving Yourself Conditionally
Look at her, she is Fat
I don't want to look in the mirror, unless I have to
Oh my look at that he is in a wheelchair, he is so slow crossing the street
I can't stand him, he really pisses me off
She left the lights on again, what a Moron
I can't stand my boss
It's raining outside, great my hair is going to get ruined
Why does he talk so much, Can't he just shut up?
I can't stand her, I hope she gets hit by a bus
Loving Yourself UnConditionally
I wake up in the morning, Smile and say Thank you
I look in my mirror and say, Hello the Universe loves me
I appreciate others
Oh yea, I only get back what I put in LOA
This I know, It's not my relationship with others that matters,
It's my Relationship with myself that matters
I attract Positivity Only
Sorry bout the negativity in the beginning, sadly it's real for some,
Not me and not you either
Happy Sunday
Beautiful. just like you. :)