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Monday, 26 September 2016

How r u 2day my friend?

Ya know when the storm is over, regrowth begins and if u just hold on for the ride, you just might be surprised at the outcome, your  outcome. Many don't realize that you, they, are creating the causations of the perfect storm,  a storm that will repeat itself over and over again, until you get it you see.
You may believe temporarily that everything in your world is Fine.
F-Fucked Up
Such a non feeling word.
When you least expect it, your storm begins, your shit show, Chaos,
this is when you have to look, observe your true self with integrity.
Many people draw their familiar cards, their deck of cards. This deck may include;
1.Pity Card
2. Anxiety Card
3. Munchosin by Proxy Card-I need all the Attention
4. Denial Card ( As I have stated, Denial is not a river in Egypt)
5. D&A card ( drugs and alcohol)
6.The  Broken Card ( this was my old friend)

There comes a time in our lives, due to a storm that we caused, that you actually get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, your box is shrinking, the old behaviours are now stale and predictable.

Man, I am not judging you or anybody, I was there for many years. Not Now.
You have so much Power, don't give it away, this is your precious energy. Take some you time, observe you and your thoughts with clarity. Detatch from everything and focus on ONE thing, allowing this to Shine with Excellence.  B your Best Self while  covering  every angle. Act without predudice, feel your Flow, Own it!!!

Walk into a room with Positive Energy ad Create Smiles.
Know that you are Not Alone yet to no one do you owe an explanation.
Allow Happiness to be your new norm, your Identity.
Speak with soladarity.

At the end of the day, this is Your Day which leads me to the question,
How are u 2day my friend?

Happy Monday😀

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

It just gets better really

Good Morning, how are you?
Oooh pick me pick me I want to share yes?
You know if you would have told me ten years ago when I was at the top of my game that I would be in a wheelchair and would have to learn to walk again, I don't know how I would have responded, possibly in disbelief.
Yep here I am learning how to walk again and I have learnt that I am in charge of me, of my legs.
About 6 months ago I bought an excercise bike and then it proceeded to collect dust, not gonna lie was kinda vexxed it didn't do the excercise for me.
Last week I saw my neurologist at the MS Clinic and was told that my legs are deteriorating. Wait hold on now, we always have choices and I am a pretty determined woman to which my neurologist concurred.
I made an exceptional friend who cheers me on as I dive into this journey.
5 days ago I did 2 minutes on my bike. Now, I am up to 8 minutes, do yoga for MS and start swimming next week.
Will I walk again?
Goodness yes, run to.

On this journey I have learnt so far;
Don't fuck around, seriously Love and Respect Yourself Authentically
Don't Procrastinate, this is a observational example of not believing in yourself.
Take Chances and Dare to Dream
Allow yourself to stay calm and observe.
If someone doesn't understand, are you sure they are supposed to?
Faith, does it exist in your world? In your heart?
If you can visualize it, you can achieve it.
When you start something, finish it. You may feel emotions that you didn't even know you had in you.
I know that I have said this before but don't Hate, so negative.

At the end of the day it's your world. What does your world look like?  You created it and are in the process of.

Be Your Best Self. I am, won't you join me?

Happy Wednesday

Monday, 12 September 2016

Your Perfect Place

Are you in a Good Mood?
Yes? Excellent
Are you alligned?
Yes? How do you know?
 Can you be specific with No Resistance?
Are you Happy more often then today?

Do you make requests with clarity?
I want to be on a Good Feeling Beach
I want to feel, not Think
I want to Appreciate My Way

Are you appreciating Your Worth?
I focus on Wellness, not illness, you too,very kool

Your mood, your Emotions is your journey
Love it, Love you

You are the Creator

Your Perfect Place is your Allignment

Others opinions
are not relevant

Think about it, Happy Monday

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Just Blieve

I had my first empath, the sorrow in the energy was immelgamated with pain, I found it overwhelming however, I knew whose energy it was and we connected 2 days later and she thanked me, pretty cool right?

Is your day going well? Yes, is the response that is felt by all alligned with Love & Positivity. How many times have you smiled today?
Handshakes? Nope, too many germs.Hug it out, Yes, love is so important, it's our platform of power, yes?

Member, they were so right, #Loveisalluneed, but damn, some of  us have to go thru the weeds, the dark, when confronted with sincerity, it's Amazing, We, yes you and me.

Go outside, soak in the and feel the sun soaking in your pores.
Smoke some Cannibis, be kool, your dictatorship is your insecurity, let it go, keep your Power, it's your precious energy man.

Go outside, say Hey to your Universe;
Thank you for supporting ME
Thank you for Loving ME
Thank you for Guiding ME
Thank you for Believing in ME
Thank you for the Small Miracles & Messages
Thank you for the Happiness Seeds......I will share with all, knowing that some will bounce off people, that' O.K.....I will Belive in the Power of us......yes?

Just some Knowings....

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

When u r humbly great

Happy Tuesday everyone, hope the time was good for u and u good to the time. Big emotional learning for me this weekend. Mind if I share?

After walking and running for 44 years, not gonna lie, being in a wheelchair is a big transition. Things that you never pay mind to, are such important details now. Many things change, you being the biggest. Now, you can become one angry motherfucker, don't get me wrong or you can become complètley enamorred with yourself, I chose the later as I was curious to see what was in my heart and soul.

Well here I am, completley off narcotics, grateful for MM and oil, feeling a little powerful these days. Since being disabled, I have become very invested in, yup Politics. So many lies and Broken Promises almost my determination really.

I have researched issues that I do believe need Acknowledgement and Truth so sick of Liars. I want to put a new spin on Politics...TRUTH, I know right?

So I have been talking to people in the community, the universe has been leading me to remarkable people who could run on my platform, it's so amazing.

Do you know that not one person has questioned Me, My integrity,  My intentions, My Disease and now I know why,

When you are humbly Great at what you do, nobody questions u.